I think most people think that suede shoes are only suitable for winter wear, which is definitely a wrong understanding of suede shoes.What I'm going to tell you now is that the first suede shoes were designed for summer.
Yes, summer!Also known as the hot and humid season, this is the season when you never stop sweating.
If you don't believe me, a lot of celebrities like to wear sheepskin slippers in the summer.

Back in the 1970s, people used to wear boots -- on the beach in the summer!
In fact, it wasn't until the mid-1980s that boots began to become the winter staple we know today.
After this short history lesson, I would like to say that suede slippers are a summer necessity.Especially since many suede slippers, such as flip-flops, keep your toes free all the time while making your feet feel like they're snuggling in a cloud.
They're perfect for summer because you can slip them on and off as easily as any flip-flop or sandal.The only difference is the increased comfort level.And if you're worried about slippers adding too much heat to your already warm days, don't worry.

Sheepskin is a natural thermostatic material.This means that when you're wearing the sheepskin, it automatically regulates your body temperature throughout the day.In addition to regulating body temperature, A-grade sheepskin also breathes naturally, absorbing heat and moisture.

Post time: May-11-2021